[10th Anniv.] Unveiling GIFT! The Change We’ve Created Together

WOW. 10 YEARS! The NEW LIVING IN SYMMETRY Blueprint I’m unveiling today in celebration represents the love, work, and collaboration with my amazing clients and team in the 10 years since I “hung out my shingle.” This simple, practical system that harnesses what hurts as a path to peace and thriving is captured for you in this love-filled FREE GIFT.

A Little Anniversary HISTORY: Soon after starting what was then called “ClarityWorks” (now Thrive This Time, LLC), I became one of a handful worldwide of Certified Facilitators of The Work of Byron Katie in July of 2014–after 5+ years of training and a vision that expedited my recovery from a full “life crash” and 9 years on disability to the vibrant physical and mental health and boundless energy I enjoy today. [So much gratitude.]

Since the pillars of my own paradigm shift included both The Work and my 2016 Wheel of Self-Love (now The Wheel of Self-Forgiveness), I designed The Radical Relationship Relief Blueprint & Group Intensive (now The LIVING IN SYMMETRY Blueprint and NO-MATTER-WHAT Mastermind!). Developed over the course of 18 retreats, 7 year-long masterminds, 8 Happiness Hacks, 4 books, and 5 digital courses, including our Get-YOU-Back Course, this 38-page LS Blueprint is my Thank-You GIFT to you!

And through it all, my growing and changing team–some pictured here just before our last 5-Day Thought Detox (we have two new members not shown!)–have been there–some almost from the start!

For me and our wonderful clients, students, and rental guests… day in and day out.

This important mission and my ability to accomplish so much could never have happened without the tenacity, skill, good cheer, teamwork, unparalleled long-term devotion and generous support for each other and me. [Over-the-top gratitude!]

We’re BACK and LOVING both new folks and our loyal “happy tribe!”

With the goal of helping more people overall, we took a break from running our year-long Mastermind group while I completed THREE books and got certified by the Big Talk Academy to give TED talks and Keynotes. I’d presented on big stages in my previous career and smaller stages as a coach. Now, my first big appearance will be at the UN-Sponsored University of Peace Global Happiness Conference in Costa Rica.

My team and I are also looking to expand the ripple effect of our work by serving visionary women leaders (especially). While I am narrowing my focus in some ways to self-forgiveness and the end of regret, guilt, and self-abandonment, so many in our Self-Solidarity and Happiness communities who have seen each other shift a wide range of issues, large and small, have said, “Shawn and her offerings can help anyone with anything!”


Soon we’ll be restarting our signature Mastermind group–with Coach Training as a new option, and launching two books!

Already available NOW are the Mastermind’s onboarding Get-YOU-Back hybrid digital course (which teaches you the basic tools from The Blueprint), new shorter digital courses, and online events.

In-person, we continue to host others’ events and corporate retreats–as well as our own–at my country-like, waterfront property with its gorgeous views–a place our tribe has come to love, too! Join us any time from Airbnb, VRBO, or save on Chesapeakeparadise.com

THANKS for this lovely, loving 10 years!!! And if you really want to dive in and get the most out of this NEW Blueprint in a way that will turn your areas of self-sabotage into your superpowers, join us for just 60-90 minutes a day for the

FREE New Year’s 5-Day Thought Detox!

Once you’ve clicked to download your FREE Living in Symmetry Blueprint, you’ll be taken to a page where you can get the Standard or VIP level of this popular proactive self-transforming event, now in its 3rd year! (IMPORTANT NOTE: Upon celebrating my 10th Anniversary, my heart cracked wide open and I decided to keep with our tradition of offering the Thought Detox for NO COST–and cut the price of the very cool VIP level almost in half!)


Say it with me..."no dead ends!"

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