This is a placeholder for an image of the book

This is a headline that tees up the benefit of the Blueprint

Get ready to get [this desired solution] so you can [the transformation the blueprint delivers].

You're just minutes from [the transformation you promise]!

This is quick introduction to three things that they can do next to keep the momentum going (keep this nice and short!).


This is the first thing they can do

Your #1 goal is to get them to consume the blue print - and here's where is starts.


This is the second thing they can do

Maybe you want them to share their results or some other action they've taken as a result of the blue print.


This is the third thing they can do

This is where you can lead them to the upsell from the offer. 

Well, isn't this is a great spot for an upsell?

Here's a "while you're here you should check this out" offer subhead

  • Here's where you'll communicate one of the transformations delivered by the upsell, ending with a "so you can" statement. 
  • Here's where you'll communicate one of the transformations delivered by the upsell, ending with a "so you can" statement. 
  • Here's where you'll communicate one of the transformations delivered by the upsell, ending with a "so you can" statement. 
  • Here's where you'll communicate one of the transformations delivered by the upsell, ending with a "so you can" statement. 

If you made it this far, you're either super interested or you're in a waiting room killing time

Personally, I hope it's A. I would love for you to take the leap and join the beta. A new website – one you love and that will help you attract more leads and get more sales – is just a few days away. This is your chance. Don't let it go by.
